Tejit Acquired

SezWho Seeks Context With An Acquisition

Indushekhar Khaitan, a batchmate of mine, has been working with a couple of other guys on some exciting stuff at the company he founded - Tejit. Good to see early success, holds a lot of hope for entrepreneurs. Congrats, Indus!

Small big innovation towards plastic degradation?

TheRecord.com - CanadaWorld - WCI student isolates microbe that lunches on plastic bags

Sounds simplistic, but I'm sure a lot of "wow" stuff gets overlooked for similar reasons. While there is some cynicism, am staying positive on this till there is definitive negative news. If true, this guy should get the biggest VC funding to start his company around this idea - this will do us all a huge favour - way more important than anything else we've "invented" in the last couple of decades.

Product Management

Coffee With Sean Johnson - Product Manager, IBM Content Discovery Group » Coffee With Sundar

Tweener, eh ?

Its a good interview that describes the role in a very brief space. Of course, there are challenges galore especially in a startup, where there's so many "good ideas", "must dos" and often very little to go by wrt validating X vs Y need.

Mobile Search Revenues

Mobile Search Advertising To Grow From $445 Million This Year To $2 Billion By 2013: Report - washingtonpost.com

Does anyone have India specific numbers? Rumours, grapevine? Totals, big spends?

The whole privacy debate

Search Insider » Blog Archive » Mobile, Local, Social, Invisible

Its true that the concept of fiber/privacy isn't always well-internalized, and given the utility of the service, people may tolerate more than seems likely. On the other hand, a few instances of abuse getting publicity will turn that argument on its head pretty quick.

Entrepreneurship along a different dimension ?

open free world: Roy's Experiments with Life

Its anyhow about exploring, creating value, starting something new, daring to think different, bring value to an existing space and work hard, for immense amounts of satisfaction. No 10x scale, yes, but not everything needs to - ?

There's all kinds of biz.

Quit your job! - (37signals)

A very nice point made in the article above about the whole "startup" thingy. Its not just the billion dollar dreams, VC funding, eyeballs, termsheets, IPOs that make entrepreneurs and define what they do. Its the following-your-heart on a lark, not necessarily being bogged down with growth and targets but the desire to achieve something that is either creative, or redefines either you or what you do. I'm not saying the growth and dollars should not be part of this, just that they're non-essential ingredients for some forms of entrepreneurship.

, The Rainwater Club, BumsOnTheSaddle are a few that come to mind, and heart :)